Compliance & Quality

We design the future
with respect for the present

Menarini S.p.A. has adopted an Integrated Management System for Quality Control, Environmental Protection, and Workplace Health and Safety, designed in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 standards, and following the UNI-INAIL Guidelines.

The Quality Management System has, as its primary objective, the excellence of the product and service, as a means of creating and increasing customer loyalty and as a strategic tool for creating value for shareholders.

The Environmental Management System has, as its primary objective, respect for the environment by identifying the impact that the company has on the environment, and by introducing checks and systems that make it possible to minimise the impact of pollution and environmental degradation.

The primary objective of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is to ensure the safety at work of employees through full compliance with the applicable legislation and the commitment to actively pursue the elimination and reduction of risks, continuously improving the company’s workplace health and safety performance.

Code of Ethics

Menarini S.p.A. has adopted a "Code of Ethics" that expresses the ethical commitments and responsibilities in the conduct of business and corporate activities carried out by personnel working for - and by all those who have relations of any kind with - IIA. In order to supervise its operation and compliance, the Board of Directors has appointed a multi-subjective Supervisory Board composed mostly of outsiders and endowed with autonomous powers of initiative and control.

Gender Equality

Menarini S.p.A. with this document, testifies its commitment to inclusion, gender equality and the promotion of a diverse and respectful working environment for all. The Code, which represents a significant step in the company's strategy, aims to guarantee equal opportunities for men and women within the organisation, recognising and enhancing gender differences as an engine for innovation and growth.

Organizational Model

The Board of Directors of Menarini S.p.A. has approved an "Organizational Management and Control Model Ex D.Lgs. 231/2001" that meets the requirements of the current regulations in Italy on the administrative liability of entities (companies, associations, consortia, etc.). Compliance with the law, transparency and fairness in management activities, and trust and cooperation with stakeholders are the key points of this Model.
Environmental Certification

The Environmental Management System of Menarini S.p.A. is certified in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard; certificate No. 16657-E, issued by Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Quality Certification

The Menarini S.p.A. Quality Management System is certified in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard; certificate No. 16657-A, issued by Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Award of the Legality Rating
83040 Flumeri (AV)Via Fondo Valle Ufita
40127 Bologna (BO)Via San Donato, 190